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Unshackling the Shekel: or, How I Learned to Fight


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In my previous essay, “Ditching the Black Pill: Or, How I Freed Myself from the Shekel,” I explored why nihilism isn’t a constructive strategy or mindset for the purposes of our movement. Nihilism, fatalism, and any other predeterministic philosophy runs counter to the European soul, and as such is a tool for our enemies to exploit. This essay will be exploring racial hygiene, with a specific emphasis placed upon what is healthy for our people and what is not.

Before we begin, I wanted to clarify my previous use of the term “shekel.” For our purposes, the term shekel should be understood metaphorically, and not in any type of literal sense. Ditching the shekel isn’t about utilizing a blockchain currency like Bitcoin, or anything else so base or overt, but rather it’s about overcoming the Judaized “merchant’s mentality” that has been foisted upon our race.

In the past, and beginning with our Indo-European progenitors, our ancestors, whether Celt, German, Slav, or Persian, were the proud standard-bearers of an honor-based, meritocratic, warrior culture. Aristotle summed up the nature of European existence quite succinctly when he mused that our people honored others in virtue of something that they are, or for that which they have done to be deserving of honor. In the honorific world of the past, our ancestors competed with one another, on and off the battlefield, endlessly vying for prestige and glory. In fact, the concept of honor was so predominant in the ancient world that the Greeks used the word philotimo to describe the love of honor above all else, and this term epitomizes the Europe of our ancestral brethren.

Up until the end of the Second World War, it was the desire for the honor which accompanies victory, and which is intrinsic to beauty and strength rather than material wealth, which was considered to be the highest moral good, and the foundation upon which European civilization rested. In fact, the cultural epicenter of the European world and soul was the pursuit of honor. Honor cultures are competitive, exclusionary, and hierarchical, and as such are unequivocally inegalitarian, and thus in more consonance to the ordered inequality of the natural world. European civilization soared to its greatest heights, both racially and culturally, when its honor-bound, racial soul was more attenuated to the inegalitarian hierarchy of the cosmos, and our ultimate goal should be the regeneration of this worldview.

Today our society, and by extension the entirety of European civilization, is sick. We’ve embraced what Julius Evola referred to as the “merchant’s mentality,” meaning we no longer desire honor above all else, but rather we look at the world through the eyes of an accountant. Everything is a “cost-benefit analysis.” Don’t get me wrong: contemplating risk versus reward is not only natural, but necessary from an evolutionary perspective; it is, however, not the fulcrum of a healthy civilization. The sickness of the European soul emanates from an unhealthy fetishization of money and its pursuit. To ditch the shekel, we need to ditch the Judaized soul that has infected and diluted the essence of White-European civilization.

The mentality, philosophy, concept, or however you categorize the so-called “Black Pill” is in direct contradistinction to the honorific, warrior ethos of European culture. The Russian-born French philosopher Alexandre Kojève, channeling G. W. F. Hegel, posited that the fundament of European civilization is the perpetual life or death struggle between individuals for the attainment of prestige. The love of victory, of overcoming both ourselves and others, gave rise to a European culture where war, of both the internal and external variety, took on properties that were both life-affirming and metaphysical. The central notion of the “Black Pill” is apathy, and by extension cowardly inaction when faced by adversity; whereas vitality and heroic, willful action are intrinsic to our race. When our Spartan ancestors were told that they were to face a numerically superior enemy, they asked not how many there were, but where were they?

European civilization is sick not because of the rapidly accelerating destruction of our families, our culture, or our race, nor from the ideology of the “Black Pill,” as these are all but symptoms of a larger, more insidious disease. We’re sick because we’ve veered from the legacy of our ancestors and allowed ourselves to become weak, both as individuals and as a race. Weakness is inimical to the European soul and abhorrent to our very essence. Our sickness is a spiritual one, one that we can overcome should we once again embrace the strength of our warrior past. It is our duty as racially aware White-Europeans to form the vanguard of new elite, a new aristocracy. As such, the first step towards revitalizing our ancestral past is through the strengthening of our minds and bodies. We must harden ourselves like newly-forged steel to endure the coming trials of a cataclysmic future.

In the healthy, robust European societies of the past, honor was used as a means to define oneself, and more importantly, how this sense of self integrated into the larger organic community. Traditional codes of European honor were based upon the common good, and in the world of our ancestors the common good was centered upon the notions of truth, beauty, and strength. The ancient Greeks used the term kalos kagathos, meaning “strength and beauty,” to describe the ideal virtues that man should strive to achieve. As a civilization, we’ve parted from the honorific, martial prowess of our ancestral past. Our deviation from the natural order, from our warrior selves, had rendered our people susceptible to a whole slew of enemy influences, including gross distortions within our collective psyche.

White-European civilization has always been “Faustian” in nature; this is our greatest strength, and when unchecked, our greatest weakness. Traditionally, the counterbalance to our “Faustian” sense of individualism has always been anchored by our peoples’ shared sense of community. Moreover, in times past, we lived in homogenous societies, populated exclusively by our fellow Europeans. Today we find ourselves in a racially diverse, multicultural nightmare, in which the “Faustian” core of our souls isn’t counterbalanced by any sense of community, because the very notion of the community, of the folk, is long dead. Steven Pressfield quite correctly posited that honor is contingent upon love, and love is intrinsic to the homogeneity of racial comity. When our ancestors valued the notion of honor, they really valued love, specifically the love inherent to self-sacrifice, of the willingness to surrender one’s life for a purpose greater than oneself. Without a sense of community, without a natural hierarchy and a clear understanding of one’s place in the world, our greatest strength, our “Faustian” nature and its unquenchable need to overcome that which limits us, becomes our greatest enemy. Communal interest, and the notion of the greater good, is replaced by the self-interested whims of the individual, and as a result, society degenerates.

In Synthesis of a Doctrine of Race, Julius Evola coined the term “honorary Jews” in reference to those individuals “who demonstrate a Jewish mentality and racial soul, even when their physical race is apparently in order.” Unfortunately for us, the “honorary Jew” has moved beyond the realm of a mere problem to be solved and has become emblematic of White-European civilization itself.  An overwhelming majority of our contemporaries are infected by the notion that not only is money and its pursuit the highest societal good, but that in the end, it’s all that really matters. This one-dimensional perspective, this monetization and monotheisticization of the economic over the genospiritual, is antithetical to the White-European soul.  Collectively, we no longer value the reward that comes from surpassing those things which limit us, or of overcoming and obtaining honor, but instead erroneously find fleeting comfort in the attainment of all but worthless shekels. In The Gallic Wars, Julius Caesar made the very astute observation that “. . . in most cases, men willingly believe what they wish,” and the fact that the vast majority of our contemporaries see no problem in believing that there is no greater good than money is a testament to the depths to which our great race has sunk.

Civilizationally, we’ve become atomized. Individuals no longer serve a purpose greater than themselves. Children are taught to be disdainful of their parents, and even the much-vaunted nuclear family, that sacred wellspring of European civilizational success, is disparaged. Family was sacred to our ancestors, as it is from the notion of family that all healthy societal conceptualizations of race are formed. Home, the hearth, is the wellspring of race, and thus its destruction is actively sought by our enemies. Racial connection is after all a familial connection of interrelated, racially similar peoples.

Money, the agent of the wiry sinews of global capital, doesn’t require the solidity of the family unit. In fact, the family unit and its adherence to immaterial notions, like familial love and loyalty, are viewed as impediments to profitability. Global capital requires that we all become consumers and nothing more. Following this, White-European culture, i.e., the immaterial, spiritual bond which binds our people together in a familial manner, must also be destroyed. European cultures, like European families, aren’t requisite components of the consumer-producer cycle, and are thus perceived as non-entities to be diluted by multiculturalism and consumerism. The enemies of our people are actively conspiring to erase our past by severing the connections which link us to our past. In the place of the once-unbreakable union of familial bonds, of a racial high culture which sought nothing but to surpass itself, the notion of a hypertrophied sense of radicalized, deracinated, atomized individualism reigns ascendant.

The Judaized system of the merchant requires only consumers, and the best consumer is the deracinated, interchangeable individual who is free to pursue whatever tickles his fancy, free from the delimitations of race and community. From obscenely priced NFL tickets to degenerative pornography, family, culture, and historical legacy be damned, as they are unnecessary obstructions to the reckless pursuit of wealth. The family unit isn’t the center of the world; the individual and his grossly distorted sense of self reigns supreme. We are a people who no longer recognizes the unbreakable bond of blood and spirit that we share with our European brethren. Collectivized notions, like the survival and perpetuation of the family, race, or high culture, matter little because they are antiquated ideas which have the potentiality to reduce profitability. White-European society is sick and our civilization is in a death-spiral because we live in a world premised upon the notion that “nothing is true,” and thus “everything is permitted.”

Now that we’ve diagnosed the sickness, how do we cure it, and more importantly what’s the prognosis? The sickness described above is multifaceted in orientation, but unilateral in causation. As racially conscious White-Europeans, we can’t completely extricate ourselves from society, as money is a necessary evil. However, we can stop allowing it to rule our lives. We all want to be happy, but we must base this happiness on that which the enemy seeks to destroy, that is family, race, and culture. We as Europeans must take pride in who we are and what we can achieve. We must not allow money, the tool of the vested interests of the Judaized global elite, to rule our lives. Money, and the pursuit of material wealth, is the mechanism of control of the current regime; but it is not the base from which we must operate.

Historically speaking, European civilization has been so materially successful because we didn’t define “wealth” solely by the material. Wealth was, and can once again be, a number of things: it was the gratification of serving one’s community, the joy of spending time with one’s family, of the ecstasy that came from surpassing oneself and of achieving glory and honor. Money, currency, or whatever economic mechanism of exchange was utilized by our ancestors wasn’t perceived as being an end in and of itself, but rather a means to an end; material wealth served a higher purpose. For example, the Gothic cathedrals of Medieval Europe are aesthetic masterpieces; however, they weren’t constructed for some base economic purpose. These cathedrals were built ostensibly to honor God, and were a medium by which our ancestors’ “Faustian” souls could surpass their limitations, and in turn reach towards the heavens.

It was our ancestor’s adherence to their own inner natures, from their embracing of an inegalitarian and hierarchical system based upon honor and martial prowess, which actually transformed these Gothic cathedrals into medieval economic powerhouses. As people and resources converged at a fixed geographical location, material wealth naturally followed. In this scenario, the difference between this approach from the Judaized “merchant’s mentality” of the present is clear. They sought glory and prestige, and material wealth followed suit.

How do we overcome the “Black Pill” and all the interrelated degenerated phenomenon of the postmodern world? We must first begin to act like Europeans again. We must remain true to ourselves, and to our ancestral past, by embracing that which makes us strong and turn away from what makes us weak. We must not only embrace our families, our race, and our culture, but we must in turn act as totemic incarnations of our ancestral past, and use this superabundance of energy to awaken those around us. In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, the great bard writes, “Cowards die many times before their deaths,” and we as the children of Europe can overcome our enemies by acting bravely, in accordance with our own time-tested, collective racial nature. By embracing and reawakening the spirit of “Old Europe,” and by regaining the courage to believe in ourselves and in a future for our children, we can once again be victorious.

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